You know, it’s not that easy going through life trying to maintain a positive outlook on where you are or always being grateful for everything you have. Heaven knows so many of us to try to stay on the good side of life.

But if we can allow this to be an open space for honesty, let’s face it.

It is not always easy staying optimistic about how your life may be going.

Many of us wake up to a new morning with the plan to cast yesterday’s cares aside. We look to the motivational hills for renewed strength to get through the day. I believe most of us do.

To start the day, you may like to write in your journal, spend a few minutes meditating, say a prayer, listen to your favorite audio while getting dressed, and do all the things necessary to set your mental attitude up for success that day.

If this sounds a little bit like you, I feel you.

However, despite your goodwill and commitment towards personal evolution, off to the workplace you go, only to quickly find yourself overwhelmed, frustrated, and possibly cursing somebody out (in your head, of course). Before your lunch-o-clock, hunger break kicks in.

If you are experiencing this type of pressure, then there is a way out.

Best Life Wisdom and Advice

The way is not easy. However, if you are willing to pursue the cause of your pain, you could be on your way to finding the right solution.

Richard Branson suggests: “If you tackle the challenge with curiosity and a can-do attitude, it is also the question that will launch your career.”

In his blog, he offers wisdom by looking at the problem from two different angles. The best way to answer this question is to take a good look at the things you love and the things you don’t.

Then get crystal clear on the differences.

Relax your mind and grab your notes

According to Branson, here are the two simple questions you must ask yourself. Grab something to write on and let’s soak in the advise.

1. What do you love?

Make a list of the things you love, appreciate, and have an interest in doing. Think of what makes you feel happy and connected to life in some way. Consider what’s important to you in the context of life or work. Next to each item, jot down why each one is important to you.

Here’s why this is helpful. The things you love are real-life road signs. They help guide you along a path of uncertainty.

They can be the spark that leads to a new idea or business. Pay close attention to those things that motivate and excite you.

If you are the entrepreneur type, then discovering what you love may help you solve a business problem in the marketplace. Consider a business industry or niche where you can use your passion and solve a problem in a way that is different from how other businesses in the space are approaching it.

Rather than being discouraged by what a business is already doing.

Think of a way to offer the same product or service with your unique spin on it. There are a million and one ways to improve upon an idea. Use this opportunity to your creative advantage.

Start researching companies and industries that resonate with your passion and interest. Then study how you can provide something valuable and different.

2. What do you dislike?

I’m sure it won’t be difficult filling up the remaining space in your notes for this question. Let’s begin.

Consider the things that annoy, frustrate, or downright anger you.

Don’t try to censor your thoughts. Think it over and write it down in your notes.

Capture what these things are and why they make you upset. Think of past experiences that have gotten underneath your skin. What about that situation that made you so frustrated or angry? Why does it matter to you? There is meaning in what matters. And there is so much powerful intel in doing this step.

Branson says that many business groups in his company called Virgin, has been sparked by something that was not being done well in other businesses, and it happened to matter to him enough to do something good about it.

You can use what frustrates you about how things are around your home, work, or business and improve upon how you believe the standard should be.

If you don’t like how things are going, don’t complain about it.

Instead, find a way to change the experience you see.

Purposeful Work: Is There Really Such a Thing?

The world needs more creative and passionate humans. Are you one of them? Love is at the heart of everything right in this world. When people do what they are passionate about, they serve others more. They impact society. They shift cultures, change lives and enrich the community. The only way to get there is for people to start digging deeper into what they want to do with their life. Ask yourself: How can I offer more value and service with my talents and work?

Can we normalize the importance of finding purpose and work, together?

It seems like the two got separated at birth at some point. However, discovering your purpose is the reason you and I are here.

I encourage you. Continue with the mission to find your passion, to mend old dreams, and restore lost time. You can achieve this by taking a step towards doing something you value every day.

Explore Your Creativity

Challenge yourself to chase your curiosity. Explore your creativity. The best way to discover what you like or want to do is to allow yourself to be free and to explore. You’ll quickly find out if you like that thing or not.

Now is not the time to reject new ideas or to be close-minded. Falling back into limiting corners and false safety zones will not help you either. We tend to miss out on life-changing opportunities this way. If you get nervous or doubtful about trying something new, resist the temptation to reject what comes your way next.

Open yourself up to new possibilities. If you can achieve this simple step, then life will come your way with energizing ideas and fresh insights.

You may have wasted time on should-haves and regrets in the past, but that is not a reason to suffer through an unfulfilling life and career.

Start thinking about your future now. Begin by answering the simple questions that Branson suggests.

Get outside and go experiment with the life and ideas you have today. Time is too precious to waste.

Eventually, you’ll find your way if you continue to focus forward in the direction of your curiosity.

Continue learning. Keep listening. Always believe.