What is a dropshipping business?


Dropshipping is an online business model that can generate high returns for aspiring e-commerce entrepreneurs.

The key to success is selling on dropshipping marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, Shopify, Facebook, and Etsy while selling products at a wholesale price.


If you’re looking for a way to make money with an online store without a huge upfront investment, then this information I’m about to share is for you.

Dropshipping with an e-commerce platform is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Dropshipping allows you, the store owner the benefit of selling and shipping products without a lot of overhead hassle.

The dropshipping model allows you to create an e-commerce store, list your products, and then generate sales through ads, link exchanges, or customer referrals.

No packaging, fulfillment, logistics, or shipment responsibilities are required on your part.

As a beginner, all you need is a good internet connection, a selling platform, and a third-party supplier, to start your small business online.


With any startup enterprise, there are pros and cons to running a successful e-commerce business– but it’s definitely a great way to start making money online quickly and easily!


  • You don't need to ship products.
  • You don't need to own inventory.
  • You don't need to own or rent any warehouse space.


All you need to focus on is being the middleman between the wholesaler, the dropshipping supplier, and the customer experience.


All you need to do is create an ecommerce business, list your products, process customer orders and then generate sales.


Here are five benefits of starting a dropshipping business


Dropshipping is a legitimate business and people (myself included) are making money every single day from it and you can too.

As a dropshipper, you will sell products on an ecommerce platform or website, list products, process customer orders, and generate sales.

You are the owner and manager of your online store without the overhead. 


Sounds pretty simple, right? 


If you're still with me so far, let me just share with you a few benefits you get when you leverage the dropshipping business model. 


Let's go. 


1. No Inventory Needed


With drop shipping, you don’t have to worry about having money to invest in inventory or deal with the headache of renting out a space or shipping out packages.

You will not have to worry about having a physical retail space, managing inventory, or sending out packages. This leads to an expensive overhead and can be very time-consuming.

However, all these things are completely avoided using the drop shipping business model.

You simply add products to your online store, place the orders with the vendor or supplier, and have the products sent directly to your customers.

For the most part, it’s incredibly straightforward and hassle-free!


2. Low Cost and Less Time


You don’t have to invest a huge amount of time and money in launching or getting the business started. All you need to get started is a domain, a selling platform, or website. It’s a low-cost solution. In most cases, you can get started for less than a hundred bucks and It takes less time to start. 


One of the most time-consuming elements of e-commerce is finding the right products for your shop. When you use drop shipping, you’ll often be able to source multiple products from the same supplier.  You don’t have to spend as long sourcing or researching products to list. You don't have to worry about packaging or the supply chain.


However, you do want to focus on the order and the profit margin for the products you will sell. Think of it as running your own retail business. With this in mind, you want to take the time to understand how the fulfillment process works to better educate yourself on how to run your business.


3. Minimal Risk and Loss


Another great thing about drop shipping is that there is less risk involved.  Since you aren’t investing in any physical products upfront, you don’t have to worry about getting stuck with unsold inventory that ends up not selling as much as you anticipated.


There’s less risk you take than selling your own product, because creating your own product would involve the lengthy and stressful process of planning, designing the product, working with factories, and spending lots of time on technology, email, materials, etc. 


None of this is to say it’s not possible – it’s just a huge amount of risk!


4. Easy to Manage


With dropshipping, It’s also very easy to manage your online store. You can add inventory to your shop with just a click of a button. What's even better, is that many dropshipping suppliers have a plug-in that helps you automatically add inventory to your online store.

Some also have CSV files you can import into your software to control your stock. This makes the process of adding, removing, and managing your products very easy.


Plus, it's a huge time saver. 


5. More Flexibility and Freedom


Another benefit of selling physical products is the huge amount of freedom and flexibility it gives you. You have more freedom and more flexibility, in terms of the types of products and things you can sell. 

You also have the flexibility to choose to sell on several different platforms. You are not limited to selling from just one website. You also have the flexibility of selling multiple products from different vendors, at the same time. 


Did you know for example, that many of the products being sold on eBay are actually being drop shipped?


This means that the dropshipping business model allows you to skip the need to build an audience or create a website – just find a product you like, create your listings and you’re open for business.


Even big companies like Home Depot and Walmart use dropshipping on many of their popular products – so you know it must be a good model!


With dropshipping you also have total control over the way you sell the product. That means it’s up to you if you want to introduce a limited-time discount, or if you want to bundle multiple items together in order to offer special deals, etc. 


Things to know before getting started


Just know that there are both pros and cons to running a successful dropshipping business – but it’s definitely a great way to start making money online quickly and easily!


Let's Wrap-up


If you are starting out online, dropshipping is an easy-to-do business model that allows you to work from home and earn passive income.


Consider these benefits of dropshipping, which we have discussed, when you are thinking over what type of online business to start.


Back in 2018 is when I started my dropshipping journey.

Along the way, I've made lots of money, heck, much more than I ever imagined I could as a beginner. But I've also made plenty of painful mistakes.

If you are willing and ready to start your dropshipping business, I want to help you skip over the hard part and into making the money part, without ALL the headache and hassle that I went through.


That's why we built something I believe was missing when I first started the dropshipping journey in 2018. 


And that's a team!


One thing I've learned is that the road to becoming an entrepreneur can be hazy and extremely long when you travel by yourself and alone.

But now, what I know for sure is that it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to take the long route.


That's why we created, what we believe is a solution to this problem, most go-getters like us have.


We've built a community of experienced entrepreneurs dedicated to helping beginners, launch their dropshipping business and start making money online.


So, you don't have to stay up late, long hours, and late nights taking the long path, as I did in the beginning.

Take the shortcut to your first paycheck instead. It's time to stop thinking about it and start moving.


Let's do it together!


Click the link to sign up and get started.


I'll see you on the inside.